1-877-BID-OHIO (243-6446) 

Specializing in the sale of
Real Estate at Public Auction

Belmont Co. 99 Acre Farm. Live On Site Auction

More Information

99 Acre farm in Belmont Co. Jacobsburg, Smith Twp.

We will offer on the above date, this farm of 99 acres (more or less) plus 2 story home, garage and barn.  Property belongs to Stella Lea Ramsey and the late Bill Ramsey. As is, will be offered at 12PM sale day with reserve and no gas and oil will transfer with the property. Surveying is being done at this time and open house will be held Sunday, May 5th from 2-4PM. Township Road borders one side of this farm & fenced pasture & hay fields.

3 total parcels are currently being surveyed into 1 tract and will sell as a whole.

Parcel 1: House on 8.24 Acres. Parcel ID# 36-00157.000

Parcel 2: 43.5758 Acres with frontage on Ramsey Ridge Rd. and Jacobsburg Hill Road. Parcel ID# 36-00480.000

Parcel 3: 47.425 Acres with Frontage on Twp Rd. 238 which is Jacobsburg Hill Road. Parcel ID# 14-00253.000 




2013 Ford Fusion, 4dr 34,000miles. 2015 Honda Pioneer Side by Side (like new). New Idea Model 3609 manure spreader, 7 ft blade, Shaver post driver, 3pt post hole digger, IH pull type bush hog, head gate, 2 wheel trailer, bale fork, 3pt fertilizer spreader, potato plow, iron post, woven wire, farm tools, scrap iron. 7500 Watt generator, washer and dryer, Wheeling Steel tub and stand, iron skillets, fruit jars, chest deep freeze, miners pail, 2 ox yokes. Bedroom suite, sofa, round oak pedestal tables & 4 chairs.  Crocks & stone jars, king size bed, drill press, kitchen items & more. 

Lot Size: 99.2408 Acres more or less

Annual Taxes: $ 1,033

Property Map


Richard Pryor
Email Richard

C: 740-425-3397
W: 740-425-3397

DIRECTIONS: Exit 208 off I-70 South to Belmont, Ohio, then East on 147, 8 plus miles to County Rd 5, then South to Jacobsburg. Signs posted.

Basic Terms:

Sells with reserve. 10% down by cash or check which will become your non refundable deposit. The real estate is sold As Is with no contingencies. All inspections must be done prior to Auction. Close within 45 days. Short tax proration. Buyer pays all closing costs. General warranty deed given at closing with no liens or back taxes.

Realtor Participation:

No buyer broker co-op.

Number of Times Viewed: 552